5 Basit Teknikleri için C# IList Kullanımı

5 Basit Teknikleri için C# IList Kullanımı

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driisdriis 163k4545 gold badges268268 silver badges343343 bronze badges 3 Sorry, but even now there are plenty of uses for library code to use IList (non-generic). Anyone who says otherwise hasn't suffered enough reflection / data-binding / etc ;)

From this it follows that your method implementation dirilik represent its local variables however you wish. The implementation details are derece exposed. Leaving you free to change your code to something better without affecting the people calling your code.

Also, it casts IList to IList which saf the potential to be dangerous. In most cases that I have seen, List which implements IList is used behind the scenes to implement IList, but this is derece guaranteed and gönül lead to brittle code.

So when writing a function or method that takes a collection, write it hamiş to take a List, but an IList, an ICollection, or IEnumerable. The generic interfaces will still work even for heterogenous lists because System.

In the end, you might need to replace an implementation for any reason; performance is just one possibility. Regardless of the reason, using the least-derived type possible will reduce the need for changes in your code when you change the specific run-time type of your objects.

IList on the other hand is an Interface. Basically, if you want to create your own custom List, say a list class called BookList, then you dirilik use the Interface to give you basic methods and structure to your new class. IList is for when you want to create your own, special sub-class that implements List.

You may hamiş ever need that option, but it's an argument. I think it's the entire argument for returning the C# IList Nerelerde Kullanılıyor interface instead of the concrete type. It's worth mentioning, but in this case it başmaklık a serious flaw.


In most cases, if you are using a List and you think you could use a narrower interface instead - why hamiş IEnumerable? This is often a better fit if you don't need to add items. If you need to add to the collection, use the concrete type, List.

Coming soon: Throughout 2024 we will be phasing out GitHub Issues as C# IList Nerelerde Kullanılıyor the feedback mechanism for content and replacing it C# IList Nasıl Kullanılır with a new feedback system. For more information see: .

It is like this other question. The other question shares a lot of common ground, but is arguably hamiş a true duplicate. In either case though, this is hamiş opinion-based. C# IList Nedir What may have happened is that the closer might have just looked at this question's title, without reading the question itself. The body is objective.

Bu örnekte, Student adında bir klas ve StudentCollection adında CollectionBase klasından türeyen özel bir derlem derslikı oluşturduk.

If you use a concrete implementation of list, another implementation of the same list will derece be supported by your code.

additional advantage is that your code is C# IList Nedir safe from any changes to concrete class as you are subscribing to only few of the methods of concrete class and those are the ones that are going to be there as long as the concrete class inherits from the interface you are using.

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